Tuesday, October 14, 2008

You would think.......

That as important as this election is the citizens of our great nation would take the time to understand the issues and the candidates, wishful thinking I guess. I've been making numerous calls and I am truly amazed at what some folks care to believe. I've been told Mr. Obama is a terrorist, he can't be trusted, etc. and when questioned what in particular is untrustworthy about Mr. Obama they just can't seem to put their finger on it, but it's there. Is this simply laziness or a more troubling form of subconscious racism? I'd like to think that we're above that, but I'm not sure. We'll know on November 5Th...Will it be that the great US showed us it's best or it's worst? I hope for the former.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Palin doesn't get a break with the MSM?

So the long awaited legislative report on what happened in Alaska with the good Governor, That maverick, Sarah Palin is in and it reflects that although no criminal laws were broken clearly she had broken the ethics laws of her state. How is this met in the MSM (main stream media)? A yawn....she is allowed to go out on the campaign trail and bash Mr. Obama as someone who can't or shouldn't be trusted as we really don't know enough about him. Let me understand this, he has campaigned all over the US for the past 18-20 months has had the entire press core follow him, ask him questions and this Govenor of 19 months gets to question his character while at the same time her own legislator determines she violated her oath of office and the states ethics laws?! What's wrong with this picture? She claims he palls around with terrorists, has a funny name and dhas shadey characters as friends.......wow how low will they go? I must admit that if Mr. Obama was as ambitous as Mr. McCain claims (and isn't that odd, someone running for President who is ambitous) he should have steared clear of these folks who lived in his city and shared a desire to improve the public schools. Please let's concerntrate on the true issues of the day..the economy, health care and this global war on terror and stop the character attacks especially when your character has some repair! On November 5th I would like to have a united country to come together for the greater good and not another Clinton administration where the "right" simply goes on the attack because they can not stomach a Dem. in the White House.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

No we're not!

And let me tell you why folks. It's because one of our two major political parties are more interested in gaining or retaining power than acting as ONE America! Why does the Republican party always question the other parties patriotism (they did it with Dukakis by claiming he would not allow the pledge of allegiance in the public schools and that he was a card carrying member of the ACLU), they did it to Kerry (by claiming he was un-American because he testified against what he thought were bad policies during the Vietnam war. They would like everyone to believe that they're the only true patriots, everyone else does not care about our country as they do. It would be a breath of fresh air to see our two parties debate the issues and not whether one loves their counrty more than the other. We all love our counrty and will defend it with our lives, and no party has a corner on that!