Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Trump view of America and the voice of the ignored

Well, yesterday our new President was sworn in, and began his term as the voice of the people.  How did that term begin?  He signed an order stopping an FHA initiative to lower the insurance premiums on FHA loans. That order will cost low income homeowners approximately $500.00 more per year on their loans.  Not the start one would expect from someone who claimed he was going to work for all the people, not just the rich and powerful. I personally will try my best to keep tract of all the Presidents promises to see how he is doing and what he is doing.  I also thought the inauguration had some really interesting moments, and also some seriously painful ones.  First, we had Congressman Jason Chaffetz from Utah who claimed during the campaign said,"I would not be able to look my daughters and wife in the eye if I supported Donald Trump for President".....well there he was in the first row as the President descended the steps, he looked like a giddy school boy, with a wide smile and applauding like a trained seal. Yeah your wife and daughters will be proud of your stance.  Then he was pictured with Hillary Clinton and tweeted that although he thanked her for her service, he wanted to assure everyone that the investigations into her emails will continue.  He is possibly one of the most deceitful representatives in the house. Yes surely continue the investigations into her emails while ignoring the presidents close ties with Russia.  Then we had the inaugural speech itself.  His speech was short in time but also short on optimism.  The picture he painted with his great words was one I did not recognize.  If he is to be believed our country is a vast wasteland.  He used terms never before uttered in previous inaugural addresses.  Even during the depths of the depression FDR was optimistic and expressed the greatness of our country.  The President never expressed optimism, all he did was essentially pound his chest and claim he will make America great again. This speech was slightly less dark than his acceptance  speech in Cleveland but not by much. It seems the president doesn't work on weekends, so his first full day in office will be Monday so let's see what he does on his first day.  He has made many promises on what he will do that first day, see what he does.  Stay tuned....